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Que Sera Sera - 手嶌葵


Que sera sera是古西班牙语,与“Whatever will be, will be”同意,指的是“顺其自然”。






When I was just a little girl.

I asked my mother,

"What will I be? 

Will I be pretty? Will I be rich?" 

Here's what she said to me,

"Que sera, sera, 

Whatever will be, will be;

The future's not ours to see.

Que sera, sera, 

Whatever will be, will be."

When I grew up then fell in love.

I asked my sweetheart,

"What lives ahead? 

Will we have rainbows day after day?"

Here's what my sweetheart said,

"Que sera, sera, 

Whatever will be, will be; 

The future's not ours to see. 

Que sera, sera, 

Whatever will be, will be."

Now I have Children of my own.

They ask their mother,

"What will I be?" 

Will I be handsome? Will I be rich?" 

I tell them tenderly,

"Que sera, sera, 

Whatever will be, will be; 

The future's not ours to see. 

Que sera, sera, 

Whatever will be, will be.

Que Sera, Sera!" 

来源:南搜 - 搜索很简单


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